Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Antioxidants and Free Radicals Backdrop Insights - All You Need to Grasp

Antioxidants are all the rage today. And, with good reason. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals which can cause cell destruction, which in turn ultimately can result in diseases of the cardiovascular system and cancer tumors. It seems everywhere you go everyone is preaching about blueberries. You have your selection of wild blueberry juice, blueberry-pomegranate nectar, blueberry-cranberry drink and so on and so on.

Free radicals definitely perform a crucial role in many different biological processes, most of which are essential for life, including intracellular killing of bacteria by neutrophil granulocytes. They have been suggested as a factor in some cell signaling functions. The two most important oxygen-centered free radicals are superoxide and hydroxyl radical. They are simply derived from molecular oxygen in reducing conditions, which can include when a person breathes.

Due to their high reactivity, free radicals frequently participate in unwanted side reactions resulting in cell damage. Many kinds of cancer are thought to be the result of reactions between free radicals and DNA, leading to mutations that may detrimentally affect the cell cycle and then possibly result in malignancy. Scientists also have indicated free radicals as the reason behind some of the signs of aging, including atherosclerosis, alcohol-induced liver problems, alpha 1-antitrypsin in the lung, and even chronic lung disorders.

The primary antioxidant vitamins are Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. These antioxidant vitamins actually have the power to act as “stand alone” catalysts for a much healthier you. So, free radicals prove to be no competition to them. Moreover, these kinds of antioxidant nutritional vitamins can actually make it easier for all of us to get rid of these free radicals which may ultimately deny you and me of our healthy well-being..

Were you aware that your tap water can potentially offer antioxidant safeguards for you?

What might be richer in antioxidants than the much-loved wild blueberry? Let me tell you, what about the small red bean? That’s right,!  I proclaimed “bean.” The small red bean truly provides more antioxidants per serving size than the wild blueberry. And the red kidney bean as well as pinto bean have an overabundance of antioxidants per serving size than a serving of cultivated blueberries.

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